Who's it going to be????? Puppy "G" or Puppy "H" Only time will tell. So, stayed tuned.....Well, it's only two more days until we go to Autumn Blaze Kennels autumnbazebassets.webs.com/ to pick out our new baby! (a.k.a. "Fred, Freddy, the Fredster") I'm taking my camera so I can have some more pics to keep me going until we bring him home in three weeks. The waiting is going to be even harder after we pick him out. We have already bought his crate, dishes and his first toy, "The Wonder Rat". Oh, it's going to be a great summer!
Barney taught us a lot about basset hounds. So, I think we are better prepared this time. They are a unique breed. "Once you go Basset, you never go back!" :)
My daughter and her husband will be getting their new house the same weekend we get Fred. I am so happy for them. It is the perfect house for them to raise "my grandbabies" and take Fred to visit (better puppy proof while your at it Brandi!). Things are working out perfect. I do believe everything happens for a reason.
I'm so excited for the week you get Fred and we get our new house. Everything really does happen for a reason and it's times like this that it reinforces that in me. I think we all deserve some good luck and positivity in our lives. It WILL be a great summer and I'm looking forward to it...and Fred will make it that much better ;) Luckily the house will be babied proof, so that should work for both Emma AND Fred hahaha...the two babies:)