I didn't go to Sundays game as Brandi was supposed to go with her Dad for her birthday and I was going to get a bunch of things done around the house and stay with my dear Freddie. Since Brandi was still getting over the flu she couldn't go so Steve took our brother-in-law Mark with him. And I still got my stuff (mainly laundry) done and enjoyed some time with Brandi when she came for tea. So, I have no pics from that game with the Jets, but I did take lots at the Redskins game with my new Nikon Coolpix L110 camera that Stevie got me for our 27th anniversary on Oct. 28/10.
These are just a few on the way to the game. I just love watching the huge windmills as we get closer to Windsor on the 401.
Warming up!
Last but not least a couple pictures of Nate. I could probably put about ten, but I realize not everyone is a big Nate Burleson fan like me. Steve likes him just because he is an ex-seahawker. I, Nate, am your true fan!
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