
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Freddie Spaghetti and Gobble Guts Gloria

Yes, the votes are in from Sarge's NickName Game so for the next week these two hounds will only be known as Freddie Spaghetti and Gobble Guts Gloria!
As I've said before, for what ever reason Gobble Guts Gloria will not eat until Freddie Spaghetti is done his food.  It's like she has to get the okay from Freddie Spaghetti before she can eat.  Poor Gobble Guts Gloria.
Then, when she does eat, this is what she has to put up with!

Freddie Spaghetti just lays and stares at her.
Umm, ya........hey both pretty much eat laying down.

Yep, about two inches from her bowl.

Do you think he can get any closer!! Poor Gobble Guts Gloria.   No wonder she resorts to eating poo.  She can probably do that in peace!  Nothing says lovin' like fresh out of the oven! LOL!


  1. Aw, Poor Gloria! I liked those two names, glad they were the winners!

  2. Poor Gloria. But maybe she waits to torment Fred. In that case Sly Gloria.

  3. We love your nick names.Poor Gobble Guts Gloria. Fred, that is mean of you to do. Gloria, give him a little smack. Too funny. Have a super Sunday.

  4. Freddie Busghetti I think we should cut Gobble Guts Gloria a bit of slack here and just call her GGG. BaaaaaWaaaah Nothin says lovin like FRESH from the Oven.. THAT is hilarious!!!!

  5. Freddie Spaghetti and Gobble Guts Gloria, funny!
    Best wishes Molly

  6. I think she might do it to torment him, too! Veil likes to wait and eat after the other two are done, and then give them dirty looks if they get too close. Freddie Spaghetti is making it look like he hasn't eaten all day with that sad face, LOL.

  7. Aw Freddie Spaghetti are you waiting to see if Gobble Guts Gloria leaves you anything? With a nickname like Gobble Guts Gloria I seriously doubt it! Hunky he he x

  8. Pawsome nicknames! What's for dessert? *waggy tail*

  9. I love the names and you're so right about food--Wherever it comes from! :-)!!!

  10. Wow! We're gonna tell our mom we want such nice dog dishes too!

    Your friends,

    Murf n' Turf & Stan the Man

  11. Yummy! Looks like good grub

  12. I've heard that in Bible times people ate lying down. Who knew Gloria and Fred were historians?

  13. This is JUST like me and DeDe! DeDe is the one that gobbles her food down and then stares pitifully at me. It's pathetic. *sigh*

  14. I know what that is! I see peanuts doing the same thing! She's so evil. Now she paws Chooey away so she can get a taste of her own meal which she doesn't it (which Chooey would go to after seeing free food).

    Huggies and Cheese,


  15. Triple G looks like she relishes Freddie Spaghetti's begging hound dog eyes - HA.

  16. LOL poor Gloria and that nickname. :) I guess Fred is there to help with any kibble that might escape the bowl.

  17. LOL! Those pictures are hilarious! I love those names too, so funny!

  18. LOL how did I miss this post??! That's hilarious how close he lies watching her! Gobble Guts Gloria really does suit her though...hehe ;)


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