Ran away.
We snagged Freddie first. We knew he was going to go all drama queen on us so he had to wear the gentle leader. After "gently leading" him into the water (okay it didn't go that smooth) his first thought was "OH MY God! OH MY GOD! They're trying to drown me! I knew I was pushing it when I chewed apart that last towel, shirt, shoe, plant, mail, magazine. (take your pick)" Then he thought, "Okay, think Freddie boy, if I just drink all this water, I'll survive!"
Ya, I never said he was the sharpest tool in the shed!
So, Freddie had his bath.

....and yes he bawled through the whole thing.
I figured he'd go all rangy afterwards, being the wild man that he is, but instead he just sulked away all depressed and embarrassed.

I think he just plain felt stupid in front of Gloria.
Next it was Glorias turn.

She just got in the tub (okay turtle) got cleaned and got out. Easy peasy! No drama, no whining, nothin'! Then to my utter surprise, she's the one who went rangy!

Fred was right in there, "Thank god you made it Gloria!" "The turtle didn't eat you either!" "I-I-I woulda helped ya but uh, I had some important stuff to do."
He was really thinking, "Crap! She made it." "I was hoping it would be only me again." "Damn turtle. Next time I see him I'm gonna kick some ass!"
The drama was over for everyone and Fred and Gloria ran about the yard to dry out.

Then, all wore out, they took their positions on the patio furniture.

Gloria on her lounger....(still a little fired up)

...and Freddie in his chair....(just plain exhausted)
and peace was restored in houndsville once more (well until Fred wakes up, anyways!)
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