There's a new girl in town!

......and her name is Gloria.
She's perfect!

She's a 4 1/2 year old red and white female basset that Autumn Blaze Bassets was retiring. So we decided to give her a home here and give Fred a playmate. Originally I was thinking this would be an older sister for Freddie, but now that I see them together, I'm thinking....hmmm....older woman, had her kids, been fixed, unattached.....hey! she's a cougar! Oh, well, at least there both fixed.
We went down to Beckis'
Autumn Blaze Bassets on April 1st to pick her up. She is a sweetheart. We really lucked out getting her. She is so quiet and well mannered with a great disposition. (remember we have Mr. Dramatic Fred, so we're not used to that). Let me tell you it didn't take long to fall in love with her. You can't not fall in love with those eyes.
While at Beckis we got to meet her new little basset addition "Jingles". Well, she is probably one of the cutest bassets I have ever seen. You've got to go to the
Autumn Blaze Bassets website and check her out under their basset family.
So, we get home with Gloria.
Then there's Fred.
After we introduced them; Gloria, being the gentle lady she is, softly pads through the house checking it out as Freddie tromps around beside her drooling all over her.

Nice first impression Freddie!
He's thinking "This is great!" "Mom and Dad brought me a play date". After supper, when Gloria was still here, Fred started barking.....non-stop! By 8:00 p.m. everyone (except Fred of course) was getting pretty wore out and poor Gloria was looking at us saying "Dear Lord, if you've got a crate for me PLEASE just put me in it and get me away from him!" Meanwhile, ole Freddie was thinking, "Okay. A sleep over. Cool. I've never had one. I guess one night would be okay."
So, we all went to bed. I know, I know 8:00 p.m. Well, we were pooped and Stevie was getting a cold and starting to feel a little worse then he did the day before on top of everything.
Saturday when we got up Fred started barking again especially when he realized "She ain't leavin'". He would have cat naps with one eye always on Gloria.

Steve was pretty sick by now too. It was a long day. Gloria? absolute peach through this whole thing. I found myself routing for her all day. "Let him have it Gloria! Just put him in his place!" And she did........over and over all day. I tried to let them sort it out and just intervened when needed.
Sunday when we woke up and Fred decided that covering his eyes wouldn't make her go away.......... might as well make the best of it, they meshed. They started running and playing together. Now it's like they have always been together. Gloria is already teaching Freddie some manners!
Here's just a few pictures of the fun they had in the yard today.

Bassets really do bounce!

There's those freaky eyes Becki! Freddie looks like a lunatic!

Gloria with one of her new toys.

The "kids" waiting for Mom to get home from the store.
Well, there's a couple of hounds that need to go out and pee, so I'd better end this.....for now. But this story is far from over!!
Remember.....Two times the drool=two times the unconditional love!!