Okay, right there they're both looking guilty of something!
Fred won't do anything without Gloria now. They love being together and I love taking pictures of them. Their so happy together. Gloria likes her quiet time a little more than Freddie, but after having all those babies you can't blame her. All Moms need their "quiet" time.

It didn't take long to fall in love with Gloria. She is the perfect addition to our family. It's just what ole Freddie needed too. A playmate, buddy, pal, confidont and fellow mischief maker.
Even the grandbabies love her.

Ya, Fred's still not there yet! But it will come.
Yes, and when they want to they can even be stubborn together too! This is them ignoring me when I call them.

They each have their own unique personalities and subtle differences. For instance.........

...aaaand this is how Freddie sleeps.

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