
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Freddie Update - Not Good

Imagine the's worse.

The vet called me to come in and see Fred's x-rays and talk to him around 4:00 p.m. yesterday.  When I walked in he just looked at me and said it's bad.  He said this is hip dyplasia plus plus.  It's both of Freddie's hips and it's the worst he's ever seen. And it's both of his hips. Poor Freddie's hip bones don't even look like hip bones and the socket doesn't even resemble a socket. The prognosis with what we're doing and adding something for pain...............6 months, maybe a year.   My heart is breaking and I've just stopped crying long enough to right this update. I spent most of the night just laying with Fred caressing him, feeling his breath and his warmth.

I know for the next few days I will just be in a fog.  Heck, I don't even remember leaving the vets office. But I will have to snap out of it as my goal is to spend as much quality time as I  can with my baby and keep him as happy and comfortable for as long as I can. I can't even bear to look ahead so I will just try to focus on the here and now.

I want to thank everyone for all your kind words, thoughts and prayers for Freddie.  I will be MIA for, well I don't know how long, while I try to come to come to terms with this.  Please keep praying for my baby!


  1. My heart is breaking about this and I'm so sorry that you and dad are going through this. I love Freddie and it certainly doesn't seem fair with him being so young. I've been up most of the night thinking about you guys and him. Just know that we're here for you and Freddie...we love him! Xoxo

  2. Oh Bassetmomma, my heart literally hurts fur you. I can't believe dis happenin'. Please gives me hugs to yourself and to Freddie while ya'll is copin' withs all dis stuff....and knows we is heres fur ya'll fur anything. Crap, I is really strugglin' fur da words right nows...I thinks I is just too shocked.
    Take all da time yu needs to spend withs Freddie.

    PS: Freddie, I loves you and please don't furgets dat

  3. Oh my gosh.. I am so sorry to hear this about Freddie.
    I am sending you guys, especially Freddie, big hugs and positive thoughts as you go through this. I can't imagine. He is like your child. My heart is breaking for you.

  4. I am so sorry to hear this. Freddie is such a handsome guy, and it just seems so unfair. Please give him a gentle hug and slobbery kiss from me.
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  5. Oh no this is terrible news. I am so sad for you both. Give him an extra hug from me.

  6. Just dreadful news we are so so sorry to read that Freddie is not good. Is there anything they can do? I am so shocked. Please let us know if we can help in anyway. Our thoughts are with you.
    Best wishes Molly

  7. Oh no! My heart is hurting for you all. Give him a hug from us and we will definitely keep him in our prayers. I'm so sorry.

  8. I am so sorry to read of this development! I would recommend looking into acupuncture and cold laser to provide Freddie with some added relief.

  9. I am heartbroken. I can't think of anything to say. I'm stunned. We love Freddie and we love you. I'm so so sorry. Sob.

  10. I'm so sorry. We are sending you hugs and love and wishing we were closer. Enjoy your time with him and take lots of photos.


  11. What if you bought one of those dog wheelchairs? With that taking the pressure off his hips, would that give him a few more years or longer?

    I'm sorry to read this news. I know you said he's around 2, but he still looks like a puppy. I lost a dog too young, so I know what you're feeling. I hope you enjoy every moment with your boy.

  12. Sam and Monty sent us -

    We are sorry fur the news -

    Paws khrossed there will be more time than woo expekht AND furry special time at that -


  13. My heart is breaking. This just can't be true. I'm so sorry, and can't imagine how you are feeling.
    Sending you a big hug, wish I could comfort you.

  14. Oh dear,I am so sorry to hear that sweet Freddie is having such a hard time and I am crying for you and Freddie now. Our paws are crossed for the boy and we will be thinking of you all the time.

  15. My thoughts are with you. I had a dog who had hip dysplasia which could not be treated other than through pain management and, yes, it got bad enough that we had to let her go. What a wonderful chap Freddie is, I am so sorry for both of you. Sending lots of love.

    Mango Momma

  16. I'm so sorry to hear this news! It's such a terrible blow when you get such unexpected news. I'm sorry that the prognosis isn't good, but at least you know. You can spend the time with Fred making it the best time of his life and have no regrets. Please know that we'll be thinking of you and Fred!

  17. Oh, no, I'm so sorry to hear this. :( Love him well and make the most of what time you have, I'm glad that you still have the blessing of the next year or so to spend with him. I will praying for all of you.

  18. That is such sad news - but have you looked at the option on wheelies for his back legs? Check out Sams blog - he does wonderful with his wheelies.

  19. How we ache for you - it has been too long... So sorry to hear about dear Freddie; thinking about you both so much. Sending huge amounts of healing golden vibes your way -
    Big Hugs xxxxxx
    Sammie and Avalon

  20. Oh I'm so sorry. We all love Freddie... I wish that I had some helpful words but I don't have any experience of hip displasia to offer. :( Sending lots of hugs to you. xx

  21. Oh no...I feel like I'm in shock this morning reading this. It just seems like somehow, somewhere, there has to be an answer for Freddie. Miracles do really happen and the future can't be predicted. My prayers will be for that miracle for Freddie. POTP has begun.

    Love Ya, Freddie

  22. Oh, we are keeping our paws crossed for you. Enjoy each moment together. We are thinking of you!

  23. No NO NO!!! I hope you can feel my BIG hugs for you and for my friend Freddie. I am shocked and very sad about this. I'm praying and Praying and my paws are crossed and they will stay that way for you and Fred.

  24. Oh heart is breaking for you. I'll be praying and praying for you and Freddie. I don't know what to say...words don't help much anyway...but from far far away I will be praying for y'all. I'm going to go now, before I start crying and the people here think I've lost my mind. Blessings, Lightning, Thumper, and their human mom.

  25. I am so sorry to hear about your sweet Freddie. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  26. Aw no, not Freddy! I am so sorry. Isn't surgery an option? For my Freddy, he had hip dyspepsia where the socket did not look like a socket at all. They operated to rebuild the socket so that it fit right and moved right. I would have thought they could do the same for your Freddy? You all are in my prayers!!

  27. I am so very sorry to hear this bad news. Please know that we are praying for you and Fred. Miracles happen, so let's pray for one now.

    The Painter Pack

  28. Maybe you could try a doggy wheelchair?


    PS we nominated you for an award

  29. Beth here....Something like this happened to my last Newfie, Samuel. It is so hard. Freddie is in our thoughts and prayers....take care, my friend...every second is a precious memory....enjoy them....

  30. Oh my goodness, I am so sorry! My heart breaks for you, this is so incredibly sad, because i know dogs are family. Take all the time you need to deal with this information, i was really hoping the end of your post was going to say theres some sort operation where they could do something about this. Take care of yourself and most importantly spoil freddie even more.

  31. So sorry to hear this terrible news. Our hearts go out to you. I would second the recommendation for cold laser therapy (a lot of chiropractors have it, as well as a lot of alternative medicine centers) we used it with a standard poodle who was having issues, and it helped alleviate some pain.

    -Dr. Liz and family

  32. All our prayers furiends,

    Ra, Isis & Nanük

  33. Oh Dear Freddie,
    Please know we are thinking of you.
    xo Cinnamon

  34. Words cannot express how sorry we are to hear this. But Freddie does not worry about his mortality, he is just concerned about this exact moment. So just give him lots of love and know that he is happy he has such a loving mom to help ease his discomfort. We will pray for him and you as you journey together through this.

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  35. Brandi told me about Freddie and I just wanted to pop over and say that my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.

  36. Oh Janet...I am so sorry. This is the first blog I got to this a.m. I know you are in shock right now and everything is just a blur. I am sure once things settle in there will be options to explore and pursue. Don't give up!! Revisit my post to you yesterday and see if those things that are helping my Schatzie with the same sort of issues could possibly help "our" Freddie.
    Freddie and your family will be in my prayers...(((hugs)))

  37. I am so sorry to hear this! Just know that I am thinking of you and praying for Freddie!

  38. We are so very, very sorry to hear this. We will keep you all in our thoughts & prayers.
    Much love,
    Wally, Sammy & Robyn (mom)

  39. I am so sorry to hear this. My heart is breakign for you and Fred is surgery an option, there are some great specialty vet hospitals that can do wonders. Perhaps you should continue consulting a specialist as there have been so many advancements. I know that at the AMC in New York they have treated dogs who are really totally crippled by hip dysplasia. If there is anything we in blogville could do to help please let us know

    urban hounds

  40. Just stopping by from Brandi's blog to send you love and warm thoughts.

  41. I am so profoundly sorry to hear of Freddie's prognosis. The heartbreak. I feel horrible for Freddie. My friend had a 1 1/2 y.o. lab who was diagnosed with "the worst hip dysplasia ever seen," according to her vet. She started him on supplements and kept his weight down, and he ended up living a good active life, well beyond what the vet and everyone else thought possible. I know a basset hound is designed different than a lab, but there might be some hope...

  42. Our hearts are breaking along with yours. He's so young. We hope something can be found to help.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  43. Brandi told about this sorry to hear our warm thoughts

  44. Oh my god. I'm so, so terribly sorry. This is a horrid injustice. Hugs from all of us

  45. OH Bassettmomma,
    We are very sad to hear this devastating news. Please enjoy your boy and give him lots of treats.

    Thinking of you
    Violet and Julie

  46. My heart breaks for you. We were faced with a time limit of our first dog, Loki, who had a rare auto-immune disorder (weirdest thing my vet had ever seen). It was and still is heart breaking. Love him every minute, but remember to take time for yourself. It is easy to get lost in the caregiving role. It doesn't do you or him any good to be exhausted/overwhelmed etc.

    I hope the love you have for him and all the great memories help you through the coming days. Looking back on the devastation our pack faced, now that I am on the other side, I would rather have loved and lost then not have loved at all.

    Thoughts and love. Hailey and Zaphod's Lady

  47. Brandi is keeping us all up to date on Freddie, love and strength to you all.

  48. Oh just sad news, our hearts feel heavy knowing Freddie has this problem. We will keep Freddie in our prayers.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  49. OH, no, Freddie :( I'm so sorry. Thank you for updating us. Give him some loving from me and Elka.

  50. I am heartbroken for you. But you are right: enjoy your time together now. There will be time later for grief. We are all here for you.

  51. I'm so sorry, I hope you can prove the vet wrong. Freddie is such a young dog and there are a lot of options out there. A friend is having really good results with acupuncture for pain management. Best wishes!

  52. Poor Freddie and family :( Our thoughts are with you in this difficult time.

  53. I am so so sorry, Bassetmomma. As others have said, there are a lot of options out there and I hope you can find some things to help Freddie be as comfortable as possible and to help put your mind at ease, too. As 2 Punk Dogs said, I hope you prove the vet wrong! It has been done before. Ella, in fact, proved the vet wrong. She was hit by a car when she was 2 years old and the vet sent her home with us that same night, expecting her to spend her last night with us. He was absolutely shocked when we walked in two weeks later to have her stitches removed. She lived four more years before she passed; you just never know.
    You and Freddie will be in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry and sad to hear this. <3

  54. My heart is breaking for you. I'm so sorry. You will both be in my thoughts and prayers.

  55. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this heartbreaking news. As you said, just focus on today and I will be praying for both of you. Have you tried acupuncture for his pain?

  56. I'm very sorry and saddened to hear this news, also. Healing ((Huggs)) coming Freddie's way. Will keep him, you and your family in my prayers. And, I agree with Winston above that acupuncture may be something you might try with him.

  57. Oh Bassetmomma - I am so sorry to hear your news. Such terrible words to hear from your vet. Will be praying for all of you - praying that Freddy proves the vet wrong - it has happened. Cherish all of the time you have together. Hugs to you all.

  58. Unless he is a very experienced orthopaedic specialist, please get a second opinion. xoxoxoxo

  59. Huge hugs to you and Freddie. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way. We are wishing you many many happy days together.

    Much love,
    The Roo Family

  60. Rumpy sent me. So sorry to read about Freddie. Hugs to you both x.

  61. I am so, so sorry to hear this. It is terrible to get this kind of news. But remember the docs don't always know everything. I was told I'd be putting down my foster dog the same week I took him in for they are saying 6 months to two years! So just take it one day at a time!

  62. I'm very very sorry to hear about your precious Freddie......I feel so sad to think about what's been happening him now.....Please send our hugs and prayers for him....I keep him in our thought. from eripanwkevin (Kevin, Shiro and Mom)

  63. That's very sad news - I'm so sorry.

  64. We are so very sorry to hear about Freddie's hips. We hope the meds will make him feel less discomfort. Hugs to you.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  65. I haven't stopped by for a while. Rumpy sent me over today, and I'm so sorry to hear this news. You are doing the best thing, spending time with Freddy. I hope your vet is able to help him feel comfortable and hang in there because there is always hope. Praying for you.

  66. So sorry to hear about Freddie. I hope the meds make him comfortable. My prayers are with him and the family. ❤❤❤

  67. I am so very sorry for the sad news and my heart is breaking for you! Prayers for you and Freddie that the meds will be effective.

  68. I'm so sorry to read this. I know what it's like to get that news for a young dog. With our previous dog we found out that she had bone cancer when she was only 15 months old. She lived another 15 months - which I know doesn't sound like a lot, but it was a truly wonderful amazing time with her. We learned to "be more dog" and enjoy all the little things with her.

    Like you said, you have to focus on the here and now. It's so hard to do sometimes because we humans can't help thinking about The Future, but try to remember to be in the moment with Freddie. Also hang on to hope! Maybe he'll beat the odds - it happens all the time.

    Sending our best pawsitive thoughts out for you and Freddie. Hang in there.

  69. I am speechless and heartbroken. I can't even imagine the pain you are feeling. I am going to email you. xoxoxo

  70. I am completly heartbroken for you. As I sit here reading this devastating news, I cannot express my sorrow. We are here for you, and if you need anything, please let us know. We will be praying...


  71. I am so so sorry!! Will be praying and sending healing energy for Freddie.

  72. Oh my gosh, we didn't expect to read this. We are breaking our hearts with you, no words we say can make this better but you and Freddie are in all our thoughts <3

  73. I couldn't imagine this - not for Freddie. I'm so sorry for him and for you. Anything I can do, I'm here for you all; prayers will cont. Almost too much to bear :(.

  74. Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the HedgeSeptember 20, 2012 at 1:33 PM

    I came here from Rumpy dog's blog. I am so sorry about Freddie. It is heartbreaking. We had a Bouvier like this. Hugs from me - leaning dog comforts and warmth from Molly - and even a soft gentle pat from RC Cat.

  75. This is really awful news for you. I'm so sorry. :(

  76. Hey Fred, Hey Gloria, Jet here. Hi Miss Janet.

    OMD, we are beyond sad reading this update. We send you all the Jetty kisses, JJ hugs, and lovies from Mom that you need. Please accept healing energy and wishes for the highest possible outcome. We have learned (from Fluffy's crossing OTRB) how incredibly supportive and comforting the pet blogging community is, take in all the love and support, it really helps.

    Let us know if we can do anything more.

  77. Like you said, you should snap out of it..... and make the best out of the situation.

  78. Oh, my heart goes out to you. I am so sorry about this news. Take all your time and love Fred and make him as confortable as you can. OUr prayers are going up for you during this time.

    Diana, Jazzi and Addi

  79. I'm so sorry...words can't even begin to express how sorry I am. We are keeping our fingers and paws crossed that Freddie gets better and is around longer than expected. Sending you many hugs and prayers.

  80. So sorry to hear about always hurts my heart to hear about an animal that's in pain or suffering...hoping for as little pain/suffering as possible, and that your time together is longer than expected.

  81. Hi Y'all,

    I sure find it tough to think that poor Freddie, Mr. Personality Plus, Mr Prankster, is so young and suffering so much. It just doesn't seem fair! My paws are crossed for you Fred!

    My Human is sending her prayers for your humans to give them strength.

    Hawk aka BrownDog

  82. This is news we all don't wish to hear!!! We will be thinking about you, Freddie and Gloria and sending as much positive energy your way as we can muster!!!
    Take care and take as much time as you need.
    Jim, Ron and Sophie

  83. I wish him a lot of health... Greetings from Poland from me and my sweet female dog - mix of Saint Bernard and Polish Tatra Sheepdog.

  84. I'm so sorry for Freddie. I'll pray for you all. Wish you all the best!

  85. Hello!!

    I´m just wondering how it´s with Freddie?? My <3 is eaking for U

    Love Kim

  86. We want you to know we are thinking of you and sending all our love.

  87. We are so very, very sorry to hear about poor Freddie...our hearts and prayers are with you and we are sending you all of the strength and love that we can!!! We sure do hope and pray for a miracle here!! We are SO hoping that the meds will make him feel much better and maybe even prove the vet wrong. Hugs, Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  88. Oh noes! Poor Freddie. I'm so sorry. I'm 2 and I was recently diagnosed with hip dysplasia, though not yet as serious. Nala and I will send all of our healing wishes your way. Share some of those with your mommy. :)

    Woofs & huggies! <3

    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

  89. I'm SO sorry - I can't believe I missed this post - my heart is breaking for you…..

    Sending you all massive hugs,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  90. Oh sugar. I am so sorry. How heartbreaking. Your Freddie has it so good with you. Hugs and prayers.

  91. Woof! Woof! Oh just wondering I have not seen a comment from you ... so sorry. Sending Lots of Golden Healing Thoughts n Golden HUGS n LOVE. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  92. Oh noes! We are so sorry to read this. Poor Freddie, he is so young. We are sending our bested purrs and gentle headbutts.

  93. Hi Y'all,

    Thanks for visitin' me! I wanted to stop and let y'all know you are still in our thoughts and prayers.

    Hope y'all are havin' a safe week!

    Y'all hurry back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  94. We're keeping all our paws crossed for you all. We're so sorry to hear of this news about Freddie.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  95. Oh Janet, my heart is breaking right along with yours. I'm in tears. I can't believe this is happening to sweet Freddie. We've become quite attached to your two wonderful dogs and love seeing photos of them. I hope dear Freddie is comfortable; I know he feels very loved. We'll keep our fingers and paws crossed for you all - you're ever in our prayers.

  96. Oh no! I am so sorry that I am reading this for the first time now! I have no idea how this got past me!
    Janet-I am so sorry to hear this about Fred. We'll keep you both in our thoughts and let me know if there is anything you need!

  97. Just stopping by to send some love to you all and Fred! <3


  98. oh and my hearts are broken too...just so very sad that you all have this to endure. life is just so precious - and we as pets just become part of the family. live each day to to the fullest. its okay to cry. Fred (and Gloria) know exactly how to kiss away the tears.

    you will be in our prayers ~ Love ya lots!

  99. I am so sorry about this terrible news. I remember when I got the prognosis for my best boy, Darwin. The world fell apart for a while. And then I had to pick up and go on. Really feeling for you right now.

  100. Oh I am so sorry to hear about Fred. We are sending you lots of love, support and prayers.

    Your pal, Pip

  101. I've been away for a while and thought I'd drop by to see whatwas new. I am so very sorry to hear about Fred prognosis. I will keep him and you in my prayers.~old dog

  102. He will get well soon. He will. I just will it to happen. You have our well wishes and prayers. Come back soon.

  103. Oh Janet, I'm So sorry. I will send thoughts and prayers your way.

  104. Oh poor sweet man. He can still live a wonderful and happy life for as long as he is here! I am certain that you'll give him all of that and more.

  105. Oh no Freddie!!! We just heard...we are sooo sorry. We are sending lots of love your way. If there is anything you need please don't be afraid to ask. Hopefully there can be something to help Freddie!! We love you all, please take care. ~Weinerful Gang~

  106. Thank you for stopping by our blog today. I am popping in to say I am sending good vibes your way and hoping Freddie is having a good day, take care.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  107. I'm so sorry to hear about Freddie. My brother got similar news about his German Shepherd's hips when he was a pup. He and his wife were devastated, but they've done everything they could for Georgie and he's still doing okay today. We have our fingers and paws crossed for you and Freddie.

  108. Hey Janet! Just stopping by to say hello and that you are doing the best you can. Hugs to Freddie and Gloria. Thanks for stopping by today.

  109. We have been so busy and absent from blogville. Then when we get back into ready everyone blogs it has just been a rough time in blogville for everyone's fur-babies. I am just so sorry to hear about Freddie's health. He is the sweetest little hound and I just can't imagine what you are feeling right know. Please know that we are thinking of you and keeping Freddie in our thoughts and prayers for comfort. We offer you hugs and wish there was more we could do for you. Hugs to everyone. Sniffs, The HoundDogs and Mom

  110. I'm sorry I'm so late swinging by... I've been very behind on my blog reading. My heart is breaking for you and I'm sending massive hugs your way.

  111. Oh no Freddy ... Janet I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope all the best to Freddy. You are in my mind and I send hugs to you and your sweet babies. x Teje

  112. Oh my mom person & I are so very sorry about Fred's prognosis. We are sending prayers and love your way.

    Hugs & love,
    Oskar & Pam

  113. Sorry to hear about Mr. Fred's diagnosis : ( we really hope something can be done and that he won't be in so much pain anymore. What a difficult time you are going through and our hearts are with you.


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