I don't know why but I seem to have a craving this week for everything "deep fried". Maybe it's this no-fat, no-salt diet I've been on the past week so I can fit into my dress for our dinner reservations tonight! I 've never owned a deep fryer. But, guess what? Now I do. I happened to look in our Home Hardware flyer yesterday and they just happened to have a Deloghni deep fryer on 55% off! Since I'm already craving deep fried food this put me over the edge. My will power went out the window and I'm am now the proud owner of a gorgeous, yes, gorgeous, stainless steel Deloghni deep fryer.

How can you not want to fry something in this baby!
Fifty-eight bucks! What a steal!
Look at Glorias tongue.
"Mmmmmm! Deep fried Momma, can't wait!"(I think she gets that "southern drawl" from me)
"Sorry, sweetie. That stuff's not good for you. Your Dad and I will have to take the brunt of this one!"
So, tonight after my Chateaubriand and Caesars salad, I will have to come home and deep fry something! Anything!
Woooooo! Now that is SNAZZY! ;) I think you should deep fry your little baby girl something :) hehe.