We have had a fantastic Christmas Season! So far......after all, there is still New Year's Eve! (I would have said "Fabulous" but we all know that is Fred's word). Christmas Eve we had family and friends over and it was awesome. It adds so much more to Christmas when you have little ones around, too. It is priceless to see the sheer amazement and happiness on their faces! It reminds you of all those years ago when your kids were babies. Now it's the grandbabies turn. With big cousin, Mitch, showing little cousin, Cameron, "the ropes" at the Christmas dinner gathering. And yes this year they even had their own table to sit at. It's official, there is now a "kids table"! Emma toddling about in her red velvet dress and patent leather shoes just went with it and yes, she stole the show and everyones hearts with it!
The grandbabies got spoiled by friends and family alike. My mother-in-law had a great time seeing the great grandkids and helping them open the gifts that she brought.
And I know that my parents and father-in-law were here with us in spirit.
I think we were being really brave holding the "Gilbert" Christmas gathering at our house this year. With Fred being only eight months old and still in his "scare the little children and terrify everyone else mode", or what some people cutely refer to as the "puppy stage". Whatever! We kept him leashed so we had control, and it all worked out well. We only had to pull him off of my mother-in-law once. Thank god we had lots of strong men around to take turns holding him. Steve and our son Jake were pretty much Fred control. I guess he just thought everyone was there to see him. So later when Fred was completely crashed I just quietly told him that yes the party was for him. Hell, if it will keep him quiet I'll tell him Christmas just started because HE was born! By the end of it Fred was so exhausted that this is how he reacted Christmas morning when I told him Santa had been and gave him his gift.
I of course, got spoiled by Santa again this year with my Chanel No.5 perfume, earrings and a Royal Doulton figurine to add to my collection. But I was the most excited over the pasta drying rack Stevie got me. I love it! I've wanted one for while but apparently nobody carries them around our neck of the woods anymore!
Heck, we even had Clark Griswolds "Moose Mugs" from Christmas Vacation for our punch this year. I got them from theuniquegiftidea.com
They are awesome! The real deal from Mark Klaus who designed them for Warner Bros.
Just ignore that Seattle Seahawks t-shirt. Goooooooo Lions! Yes, it's true. They have won there last three games!
It's such a great feeling after Christmas when everything is over and you pat yourselves on the back realizing you got through another one and you can now let loose and relax again, isn't it!
On another note, it looks like things have been extra busy for Becki over at autumnblazebassets.webs.com as Turbo and Glorias' litter was born.

How cute is that! Brings back memories of when dear Freddie was born. Yeah, those days are over LOL! So, you had better hurry up and get in on the puppy picks 'cause these cuties are going to go fast! Congrats Becki!
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