
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Waiting For The Comfy Chair

.......and waiting............

I'd like to thank everyone for all your well wishes for our granddaughter Emma.  She is doing very well and we are so glad she is home!

I know this is "Wordless Wednesday" but since it's my first real post in a few weeks it was hard to keep my mouth shut.  Oh heck, who am I trying to's hard to keep my mouth shut anyway!  hehehe

I going to take the next few days and try to catch up on everybody's blogs. I know I've missed a lot. We will also be sharing some of the highlights of Freddie and Gloria opening their gift exchange pressies from Wally and Sammy so stay tuned!



  1. I am happy to hear Emma is doing well! So cute! Nice to see you, my friends!

  2. The answer seems simple enough - tell the Mom to get another chair just for you! Glad the little one is doing better.

  3. Guess it was a long wait Gloria!

    Glad to see you back and to hear Emma is doing so well.

  4. Waiting, wanting, waiting...Gloria. What no butt budge? Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. So very much happy to see little Emma all smiles.
    Hey Gloria I think you should have brought a snack, you may have a long wait.

  6. Listen -- possession is nine-tenths of the law, and Freddie is not letting go! Hee hee!

    Christie from

  7. I am so glad Emma is feeling better says her heart hurts when the monsters and grandmonsters are sick! As for the chair, at our house we just lay on top of each other in the chair so that fixes the problem, do you think that would work for you guys?
    stella rose

  8. HAHAH Now that takes patience. Good doggies :)

  9. THAT is wonderful news about sweet little Emma.

    Now about that Chair situation... I think that you two need to take TURNS.

    So glad that you are back... and JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME... fur Madi's BIG Swearing Ceremony...and Blogville BASH on Saturday. There will be FUN and FOOD and sPEEches and Dancing. See you two there.

  10. lol love how they always fight over that chair!! And Emma definitely takes after her Grandma for her love of popcorn ;) hehe

  11. Those pics are too funny. Glad you're back! Emma is a real cutie.

  12. That is quite a line for the comfy chair, I think you and hubby have a bit of a wait!
    So glad to hear Emma is home and well, little Sweetheart.
    Lynne x

  13. Poor Gloria...I think your mom needs to get you a bigger foot stool! So glad to hear that Emma is doing well and is home!!


  14. Happy to hear Emma is doing well and good to see you all back!

  15. Bawaahhaaaaawaaaa how the heck youz gonna fit on that.BOL Wez so pleased gorgeous Emma is doing well :) Nice to have you back, and we are experts at catching up..BOL xx00xxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  16. Woof! Woof! Golden Hello! Good to see a post. Glad to hear Emma is doing well. Did you know that you need to get another comfy chair for your Bassets? Happy Wednesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  17. Better to just get comfy than wait for the chair to be vacated.


  18. Isn't it the pits when you can't get a comfy spot?

    Glad to hear Emma is doing well!

  19. Poor Gloria! Send her to our house and we'll give her a comfy chair!! So glad things are getting back to normal at your place and that cutie, Emma, is a-okay!

  20. That's very nice of you Gloria. Pierson would just lay on top of Maya until she decided to move. :)

  21. Oh, Emma looks great! Yea Emma!
    Poor, poor Gloria! Tell Freddie to move his hinnie!!!

  22. Gloria...It's not like there isn't a perfectly good sofa nearby.....

    So happy your Emma has recovered!

  23. Hello dear friends. I'm so happy Emma is well. She looks like a little doll. Mama says she wishes we'd settle down and nap nicely. We heard the weather man say it's gonna be 56 on Saturday so we're making lots of trouble because we choose to believe spring is here. Purrs!

  24. Dear Basset Momma:

    We were so worried about you over Christmas when you didn't post, and kept reassuring ourselves that everyone was okay. But Emma went through so much! Blessings to you and your family for the New Year, and we're so relieved you are all okay and that Emma came through with flying colours.

    Tootsie and her mom

  25. WHAT, what the heck MOM, you mean Gloria doesn't have her own chair, now thats just not right! All us little gals need our spot!!!!

    Your Pals
    Susie & Bites

  26. Love how she manages to make do with the ottoman and somehow fits herself on there! Too cute!

    Blueberry has her own chair and her own spot. She really frowns on it if I am in either one. ;)

  27. All good things come to those who wait Gloria!

    I'm so sorry to hear about your grand-daughter. What a terrifying experience for all of you. So glad that she is at home and getting better!

  28. I get the feeling Gloria is going to be waiting a very long time... :)

  29. Aw poor Gloria! Funny pictures though, happy WW!

  30. Gloria you just tell Freddie to move on over and the two of you snuggle in that comfy chair. Glad to hear Emma is much better that was terribly frightening just to read.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  31. So glad to see you guys again and to see Emma smiling

    urban hounds

  32. Gloria, when we seen the first picture we knew you were going to be waiting a while. To trick our fur-siblings we will start barking and when they get up to run to the door we run back and steal their spot. BOL We are going to try to be better at blogging this new year and visiting people. We just read the post on your granddaughter. How scary and we so glad that she is okay and getting better. Have a great day! Sniffs, The HoundDogs

  33. Come on, Freddie, share! Glad Emma is okay

  34. Catching up is always hard to do, I am always doing it! Have a great day!

  35. First and foremost, a BIG yea for Emma feeling better! And doesn't that picture of her speak a thousand words....

    We know it's late at night now, so we hope the "chair" issue has been resolved by now. We would hate to think that sweet Gloria is still sitting on that little ottoman.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  36. Yah, with Addi, I just give up on thinking she is gonna give up her spot!! Yous just gotta be the first one there next time!!

    Jazzi and Addi

  37. gotta settle for the round ball chair if Some Buddy is not sharing, BOL
    Benny & Lily

  38. Oh sweetheart Gloria, I hope you got the chair at last. It's time to tell your mom to get a GLORIA'S chair now!!!

    So glad to hear that Emma is doing well : )

  39. YOU'RE BACK!!! YOU'RE BACK, YOU'RE BACK, YOU'RE BACK!!!! AROOOO!!! Boy did we miss you two!! We are SO happy to hear that Emma is making a good recovery.

    Now as for this chair situation...Gloria, you are a very patient and sweet sister 'cos Sammy would've just climbed ON TOP of me if we were in that situation *BOL* Freddie, shift up and let Gloria share with you!

    Bark at you soon
    Wally & Sammy

  40. So glad to see Emma is well again - such a sweet photo! Oh Gloria, Freddie is not going to give up that comfy chair - in our house dogs are not as patient as you - my Trilby would have just climbed on top :-) woofs and licks from Magic xx

  41. I think you need a bigger footstall BOL
    Glad to hear your granddaughter is doing well

  42. LOL - looks like me when someone is in my spot I just hang out and make them feel uncomfortable until they hopefully move!

  43. Soooo happy that Emma is home and doing well! That is the BEST news!

    And...Gloria is one PATIENT lady!

  44. Welcome back! So very happy to hear the good news about Emma.

    And Gloria, girl, you are a saint, you are. :)

  45. HI, so glad you are back and that Miss Emma is doing well. Thanks for the concern about my battle with the crud. It was awful and I am can't believe how ill I was. Don't wish it on anyone.
    Miss gloria you are a dear, waiting so patiently for the chair. Tell your mom you need your own chair!! :)

  46. Gloria is very patient! My dogs would have just plopped right on the other suffocating them until they moved. What a good girl she is!

  47. Yay, so happy Emma is doing so well :)

    Freddie, it looks like Gloria might move in on you any second buddy!! Love the union jack seat!! Very cool! :)

    I hope you're having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  48. Lovely photos! All the best for 2013.

  49. Emma looks healthy & beautiful!!

    Keep Calm & Bark On,

    Murphy & Stanley

  50. Looks like Gloria might be waiting a while!

  51. We nominated you for an Inspiring Blog Award. If you don’t do awards, just consider it our way of showing appreciation for your blog and introducing other bloggers to you! :)

    Emma looks WONDERFUL! We're so relieved that she's okay. :D Love those pics of Gloria patiently waiting her turn on the chair!

  52. You might need to institute some shifts so that everyone gets a turn. :)

    Glad to hear that Emma is doing well!

  53. So glad to hear Emma is doing well!! Poor Gloria...she might just be waiting for awhile!! xo Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  54. What's that expression about patience on a monument?

  55. So happy to hear about Emma!

    P.S. Thank you so much for all the love this past week.


  56. What a darling girl. Gloria...I was talking about Emma, but you're darling too. I'm so glad that Emma is doing well. I can't imagine what you all have been through.

  57. We've missed lots too! A belated Happy New Year to you all! Deccy x

  58. FREDDIE!! GLORIA!! WAKE UP!!! IT'S ARRIVED...IT'S ARRIVED!! WE KNEW IT WOULD!! Our parcel has arrived & it's in one piece and still sealed!! We are SO excited but mom says we have to wait until dad gets home and then we can all open it!! OMD...OMD...OMD!!! Thank you in advance for whatever is inside!!
    Wally & Sammy


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