Oh, I know he looks innocent enough!!
Well, our little boy is growing up right before our eyes. Let me tell you it's an experience raising a puppy full of energy. (That's putting it mildly!) Is everyday a bed of roses? No. It is exausting most times, just like bringing a new baby home from the hospital. You have decisions to make about the sleeploss for instance, "Do I nap when he naps or do I use this time to get things done, or just have some peace and quiet?" These are just some of the questions you ask yourself as a new "puppy" Mom. Fred is finally house trained with the odd accident when he is playing and really excited and his puppy brain doesn't work. He sleeps pretty much through the night now, whew! And is such a joy to be around (when he is not attacking your feet!) I was so greatful for my husbands' first week of holidays, as we were like a tag team with him taking turns playing, walking, taking him for potty breaks and putting him for time outs, which Fred has had to have quite a few.
He has put on over 4 lbs since we brought him home 4 weeks ago, been treated for Giardia, (a parasite of the intestines) and learned how to do the stairs. His legs still aren't long enough to get up the stairs at the back door, but I don't think that is too far off.
Fred loves his "sister" Brandi, as he repeatedly tries to show by attacking her everytime she comes over. After all isn't that what puppies do with there siblings? He loves little kids, a.k.a. my grandbabies, but guess what, they don't return the favor. Is it any wonder with his razor sharp teeth and little claws? Three year olds do not understand why these "cute little puppies" seem so viscious to them. I'm sure my grandson Cameron is thinking, "Is Grandma nuts?" We are traing Fred to settle down and not nip, but this will all take time, after all he is a puppy!
I love him to pieces and will see him through all his growing needs. He is cuddly, loveable, soft and squishable. He lets me clean his ears (and believe me he needs this everyday!) and trim his nails. He knows his name, runs to the front door when I say, "Dad is home!" which I know Steve just loves, and is always so happy to see us. Ahh yes, the unconditional love of a dog!! You can't beat it! I can't explain the feeling of love that overwhelms my heart every time I look at Fred. I am so happy we added him to our family and will always be greatful to Becki from
autumnblazebassets.webs.com/ for bringing him into our lives. By the way she has a new litter available so check out her website!